Understand what Web Design is

Web Design is an area focused on the development of digital interfaces, such as website layout and web apps. For this, web designers create pages using languages of markup such as HTML.

Have you ever been browsing a website but been tempted to leave because you didn't like the layout, the typography and the way the content was distributed?

What about slow sites that don't load on your phone or tablet just when you need to quickly access content?

All of this makes the experience of visitors to a website very bad, and the consequence of this is the drop in conversion in the purchase journey of these visitors into customers. So that this does not happen with your company's website, you need to have a quality Web Design.

What is Web Design?

Web Design involves work related to the layout and design of online pages as well as content production, although it is usually more applied to the creation of websites. In this case, web designers create pages using markup languages such as HTML.

On the other hand, the visual part of the sites is in charge of CSS, a term used to style elements written in HTML. Therefore, it is common for Web Designers to use both when building a website, as together they will define how the pages will be displayed in browsers.

A web design professional can make all the difference in your project, count on IT Folks to develop the best solution for your company.